Shining a Light - Affordable Healthcare for All
Creative Director & Intern Supervisor
SEIU Local 1000

Shining a Light - Installation Video

SEIU Local 1000, Sacramento, CA
Thousands of hard-working SEIU Local 1000 members from across California contributed authentic, heartfelt, and even desperate accounts of their plight and need for affordable healthcare in hopes that the CEO’s of the nation’s largest healthcare providers would find empathy during CalPERS negotiations. Their stories were projected in large-scale, bold motion graphics, drawing light to the difficult situation in hopes of sparking urgency for action. The animation featured black and white motion graphics of union worker stories and images of the workers affected, staggering statistics, and a call to action for social media involvement with the union hashtag, ‘write your CEO.’
Designed by UC Davis design student CJ Paghasian and Intern Supervisor/Creative Director UC Davis design lecturer Jennifer Cadieux, in collaboration with SEIU Local 1000.